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To modify your location page, I'd recommend connecting with the Hey Carson experts: https://heycarson.com. They will be able to create a custom page template for you so that your images are 3 across the page on a desktop computer. :) 

Alternatively, you can use apps such as Shogun, Page Builder or Hypervisual page builder. 

*  Boxify's support number :) (919) 590-3604

* BFCM https://www.shopify.com/retail/black-friday-sales-the-definitive-guide-to-preparing-your-store-for-black-friday-2017

* https://www.shopify.com/blog/black-friday-cyber-monday-shopify-apps

* https://www.shopify.com/blog/5-black-friday-cyber-monday-social-media-campaigns

* After you make your discount codes, ensure you're promoting them via email marketing, social media and on your storefront. You can add your announcement bar from Online store > Themes > Customize theme > Header. :) 

* Facebook marketing & instagram marketing (https://www.shopify.com/guides/make-your-first-ecommerce-sale/facebook-ads).  

* https://apps.shopify.com/instagration

* You can also add the section for gallery within your theme editor and just choose the best instagram picture you have so there is more rich content on your page.  


Shopify support - call us ANYTIME !!! https://help.shopify.com/questions/router